February 3 - 5 MAP Testing February 3 - Reading February 4 - Language Arts February 5 - Math February 12: Mass 9:30 am February 14 - No School February 17 - No School, Presidents Day Observation
8B Homeroom Reminders
During the month of January, 8th Grade is collecting canned goods for the St. Thomas Food Pantry. Please send in your donations today!
Remember to sign the book at the end of Mass - AFTER all clergy have left the altar and processed out of the church. To be a more active participant at Mass, consider choosing one prayer that you are going to focus on memorizing and reciting with the congregation during Mass. For example, you could focus on the Nicene Creed!
Gr. 8 Religion
After midterms, we will complete our final unit in our blue Common Place books!
Gr. 7 Religion
After midterms, we will begin our study of Theology of the Body in our new maroon Common Place books!
Gr. 6 Religion
We are moving to our new unit of study on Ordinary Time and the Evangelists!
Gr. 5 Art in Faith
While we study the history and importance of stained glass in the Church, we are also learning how math and language arts impact this art form!