February 12th: HSA Dine Out at Panera
February 13th: Valentine's Dress Down
February 14th: No School
February 17th: No School in observance of President's Day
Dismissal: Please send an email/note with any dismissal changes. If it is a last-minute dismissal change please call the office and they will let me know. I may not always be able to check my email during the school day.
Food sent to school cannot contain peanuts or tree nuts of any kind.
Please check the school handbook for the proper dress code for uniform, gym, and dress down days.
Course Overview: This course will help students develop their ability to understand simple spoken and written Spanish. At the same time, they will learn to communicate orally and in writing in a culturally appropriate manner about familiar topics that include self, school, food, pastimes, family, house, and clothing. Grammar will be integrated throughout the units. I will do my best to allow for different techniques and lesson plans in the classroom that will provide excitement and ease when learning Spanish.
4th and 5th Grade: Students will explore the Spanish language through introductory lessons, a variety of songs, games and hands-on activities. Students will also learn about the diverse cultures and celebrations of Spanish-speaking countries. There is no assigned textbook. All necessary material will be provided in class (notes and handouts). The lessons will be organized based on practical topics that are familiar to students. These topics include: greetings and leave-takings, feelings, numbers, colors, shapes, days of the week, months of the year, seasons, weather, family, clothing, and classroom objects.
6th through 8th Grade: Students will develop communication skills in Spanish and make comparisons and connections to Spanish-speaking cultures to encourage understanding and acceptance of differences. Correct pronunciation and writing will receive emphasis. Over three years, students will learn to express and understand ideas on topics such as common conversational phrases, weather, descriptions, likes and dislikes, school day, food and leisure activities.
We will be using Autentico Level A. Each student will have access to their Autentico textbook online and Autentico assignments through Google Classroom.
Grades (4th to 5th): All students will be graded on in-class assignments, class participation, assessments and projects. Grades will be posted in PowerSchool. Points will be deducted for late assignments. Students should expect 2-3 quizzes per unit (written and speaking). Notes are given every class (handwritten or handout). Students should use their notes to review.
Quizzes and Tests (6th to 8th): All students will be graded on in-class assignments, class participation, assessments and projects. Grades will be posted in PowerSchool. Points will be deducted for late assignments. Quizzes will be administered after each section within the chapter (2-3 vocabulary quizzes and 2-3 grammar quizzes). Students should expect 4-5 quizzes per chapter. There will be written and speaking quizzes. A test will be administered at the end of each unit. Use your notes and Pearson Realize for reviews. Quizzes and tests will be returned after all students take the assessment. In addition to assessments, one major project is assigned per chapter. There will also be quizzes given on culture and geography.
6th to 8th Grade Pearson Assignments: Pearson Assignments will be assigned frequently. Instant checks are graded for completion and worth 10 points. All other Pearson assignments are graded for accuracy and given different point values. These assignments are given prior to a quiz or test to review material.
Homework: There will be no opportunity to make-up the assignment unless the student was absent or has a note from their parent explaining the reason for the missed assignment.
Please check my website to stay updated on classroom activities, homework assignments, quizzes and tests. Feel free to email me if you have any questions at [email protected] .