Wednesday, February 12
LA: Phonics WB p. 74; restate and answer the questions
Math: Multiplication Drill, 2/24
Number project due 2/25
No IXL assigned this week
Religion: Session 5 test tomorrow- complete the online review and write your score in your homework planner
Link to the Session 5 online Review: click here
School Registration Forms due tomorrow
Return SpellCheck by 2/20 - Thank you for your support
Tuesday, February 11
LA: Phonics WB p. 72-73
No IXL assigned this week
Math: WB 83-84
Multiplication Drill, 2/24
Number project due 2/25
Science: Test tomorrow; follow study guide
Religion: Session 5 test Thurs.
Link to the Session 5 online Review: click hereWe will attend Mass tomorrow
LA: Phonics WB p. 71
No IXL this week
Math: WB 81-82
Multiplication Drill, 2/24
Number project due 2/25
Science: Worksheet; test Wednesday
Important login information can be found on the inside cover of your homework planner. Please use the following links to access online resources: