IXL Assignments: DD.3 Match analog and digital clocks, XX.12 Form the singular or plural possessive
Vocabulary Words: across, borrow, countryside, idea, insists, lonely, solution, village
Monday: Reading: IXL due Tues., Spelling #8, Grammar WS, Grammar test Thurs., Spelling test Thurs.
Math: IXL due Tues., WB PGS: 79 & 80 - use red and blue to label the hour and minute hands Religion: Ch. 8 Test Tues. Feb. 18th, practice sentences *registration due Feb. 13th *spell check pledges due Feb. 21st
Tuesday: Reading: IXL due Tues., Spelling #6, "Making Cards" - WS restate, answer, and underline, Grammar test Thurs., Spelling Test Thurs. Math: IXL due Tues., WB PGS: 81-82 - use red and blue
Religion: Ch 8 Test Tues. Feb. 18th, practice sent. *spell check due Feb. 21st *paperwork due Feb. 13th
Wednesday: Reading: IXL due Tues., Spelling #12, Phonics PGS: 209, Spelling Test Tom., Grammar test Tom.
Math: IXL due Tues., WB PGS: 83 and 84 - use red and blue EXTEND AND CIRCLE
Religion: Ch. 8 Test MOVED TO WEDS. Feb. 19th, practice sents.