*Please see the St. Thomas website's bottom of the home page for upcoming important dates, half days, and events.
Homework assignments will be posted here for your reference. Please check this homework page each day in case any changes were made to the homework assignments. Also, we kindly ask that the homework be completed each night that it is assigned and not completed ahead of time as the skills or concepts may not have been taught yet. Thank you!
IXL skills assigned for the week of 2/10 are due on Tuesday, 2/18. IXL skills will be will be posted here along with a corresponding IXL sheet in your child's Home Folder to be signed and returned the following Monday.Math: AA.3 Write numbers as tens and ones up to 20.
Monday: Digital Technology-Mrs. Delfino
Tuesday: Music/Art-Mrs. Frank
Wednesday: Spanish-Mrs. Kropa
Thursday: Gym-Mr. Schaeffer
Friday: Music/Art-Mrs. Frank
Important Reminders
Please include a note in your child's Home Folder stating how they will be getting home on a daily basis. (walker/rider, bus, or After Care). Please keep us updated on how your child will be going home if it changes so we know how to properly dismiss them. Thank you.
Due to the high amount of severe food allergies in our school and in our classroom, it is very important that all ingredients are checked on the snacks before you send them in with your child . If the food is "made in a facility that processes tree nuts or peanuts" your child will not be permitted to eat it in school. Please check all of the labels that you purchase for school snacks or lunch. This is something we take very seriously. Thank you for your kind consideration in this matter and the safety of all children.
2024-2025 School Year
Below is some information to help ensure your child has a successful year in first grade:
Please check your child’s homework every night.
It is important that your child arrives at school each morning between 7:30 and 7:45 am as prayers begin at 7:50 am and thus students will need time to copy their homework after unpacking their book bag.
I ask that a parent/guardian signs under the homework assignments each night. This will let me know that you have seen the homework and what your child is learning.
For those students who attend the Aftercare program, when they arrive home please check to make sure the homework is completed and signed for the next day.
Each student should have their own pencil case. In addition to their school supplies, please make sure your child has at least 3 sharpened pencils and an eraser for class each day. Be sure to check your child’s backpack for any supplies you may need to replenish throughout the week or as needed.
Student Birthdays - We will celebrate the students birthday by giving them a dress down, having them be the line leader for the day, receiving a prize from the teacher and singing as a class to celebrate their special day as well!
Please make sure your child’s name is labeled on anything that is to be brought back and forth to school. You may want to write it on a tag or inside pocket of the item to ensure it is easier find if lost.
Any money coming into school should have your child’s name on it, as well as how much money is being given and what it is for. Please put any money in a labeled envelope.
We will be checking your child’s homework folder each morning for notes or forms that need to be handed in.
If you need to change your child’s mode of transportation, please send a note in with your child, call the office, or email me. (A note to me or phone call to the office is best, there are times when I can not get to my email until the end of the day.
Please refer to the school handbook for the proper dress code for uniform, gym, and dress down days, as well as other important school policies and procedures.
We are all a team! — Positive reinforcement is important in making sure that each child knows that they can accomplish anything! Teachers and parents want success for the children, and no two students are the same, so let's work together to make your child learn to the best of their ability! I am looking forward to a fun and safe school year!